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How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?


Twice a year or twice a month? How often do you visit the dentist?

How many times a year do you visit the dentist? Is there really a “one size fits all” solution to the frequency of dental care?

There is a lot of speculation around the ideal amount of time between visits to the dentist. For most dental practises, every 6 months is often the recommended timeframe between appointments. However, is there any evidence that visiting twice a year is the best solution to follow for the average patient? And where did this timeframe originate from?

Some evidence shows that the first time the “twice a year” recommendation came into play was in the early 20th Century during physical assessments of incoming recruits for the army. While others argue that is was during the 18th Century that this timeframe was suggested, and that it is in fact arbitrary and without clear evidence to support it.

Overall, research shows that the ideal time between dental appointments ultimately depends on the individual – their health, their commitment to at-home dental care, and their lifestyle. Although some people can get away with less frequent visits, it is best to play it safe and take preventative measures to maintain your perfect smile.

Attending the dentist’s office twice a year can help prevent dental issues before they reach advanced stages. For instance, although you may not see or feel anything wrong with your teeth, cavities, gum disease and oral cancer can be forming in your mouth. Dental issues of these kind often don’t present themselves until they have reached advanced stages that are much more difficult to treat. Visiting your dentist can help to spot these issues before they go from bad to worse. It can also be a great reminder to keep up the consistency with your at-home dental care.

While there may be no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to dental care, it turns out that every 6 months might be as close as it gets. This period of time is sufficient to maintain preventative care and keep your teeth pearly white. In any case, speak to your dentist or another dental professional about your unique smile and the frequency of visits that best fits your individual lifestyle. 

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