(613) 834-5959        info@ottawafamilydentist.com
pregnancy and dental care

It is natural for moms-to-be to avoid doing any activities that seem harmful to their baby. For many pregnant women, this includes skipping dental appointments. However, contrary to popular belief, routine dental care is perfectly safe for pregnant women.

Preventative dental care and cleanings are not only safe for expecting mothers, they’re actually recommended! Good oral health is directly related to good overall health. While some unnecessary dental work can be postponed, in most cases, it’s encouraged to get dental care while pregnant.

Pregnancy and Oral Health

During pregnancy, the rise in hormone levels can cause gums to become tender, swell and trap food causing further irritation. Commonly known as “pregnancy gingivitis,” it increases the chance of developing oral infections such as gum disease. Gum disease has been linked with preterm birth, so continuing with regular dental care is important during pregnancy.

Pregnancy can also increase the risk of tooth decay. Frequent morning sickness  increases the amount of acid that your teeth are exposed to, leading to the break down of tooth enamel. Also, eating more carbohydrates and sugars during pregnancy can cause bacteria that also attacks this protective layer covering your teeth, making it more susceptible to tooth decay.

Good oral health means good baby health!

Best Practices

The optimal time to complete dental work is during the second trimester. Once the third trimester is reached, it may be difficult and uncomfortable to lie on your back for extended period of time. Although fatigue, sickness and gum tenderness may steer you away from dental care, it is important to remain consistent with your at-home flossing and brushing to stay healthy.

Transparency and proactivity are best practises during pregnancy when scheduling a dentist appointment. Knowing how far along you are, what medications you are on, and any risks associated with your pregnancy will allow your dentist to make a professional assessment if certain dental procedures could be postponed until after having given birth. This will also help them make you as comfortable as possible during your appointment.


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