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The Importance of Early Orthodontic Treatments for your Children

Early Orthodontic Treatment

It is a common misconception to believe there is no need for children to receive orthodontic treatment until all of their baby teeth have fallen out. This is not a good timeline to follow as some children lose all of their baby teeth early on, but some still have a few baby teeth past the age of 12. This is when the term early orthodontic treatment is introduced. Early orthodontic treatment is primarily used to prevent and correct “bite” irregularities. Several factors can contribute to this such as:

  • genetic factors
  • the early loss of primary baby teeth, and
  • damaging oral habits – a popular habit that young children develop that can cause future dental damage is sucking on their thumbs an excessive amount of time.

This is why we highly suggest bringing your children in for their early orthodontic treatments by the age of 7.

It is important to start these treatments for your child while they are still growing so the best results are delivered when they are older. You may notice dental issues as young as when a child is first born. It is much more common for severe dental problems to develop during a child’s toddlerhood and early childhood. Certain issues can cause all sorts of speech impediment problems when your child is older. This can include;

  • slurring words
  • developing a lisp
  • mispronouncing certain words
  • difficulty reading allowed
  • crooked teeth etc.

That is why it is crucial for children to have an initial orthodontic evaluation before the age of 8.

Why does Early Orthodontic Treatment make sense for my child?

Some children show orthodontic irregularities at an early age and it becomes more obvious to the parent to bring them in to see their dentist. However, not all irregularities are going to be that noticeable for parents. For example, if your child is having a problem with thumb sucking and can’t seem to stop, this can have long-term effects for your child.

Early orthodontic treatment can provide many benefits to your child including:

  • Enhanced self-confidence and esthetic appearance
  • Increased potential of proper jaw growth
  • Higher chance of properly aligned and spaced adult teeth
  • Reduced risk of teeth grinding, childhood cavities, periodontal disease and tooth decay
  • Reduced risk of speech impediments, tooth, gum, and jawbone injury, zand
  • a lower risk of needing major work done as an adult

When can my child start Early Orthodontic Treatment?

The most important period for children to begin their early stages of oral treatment and have regular appointments is between the ages of 8 and 14 while your child or children are still growing.

We have also separated the importance of oral treatments into different important age groups to further explain.

Early Treatment: 2-6 years old

The main goal for early treatment is to provide enough space for the permanent teeth to come through properly. Consider bringing your child in to see their dentist at this age. This is especially important if you notice they’re having difficulties biting properly, if they lost all of their baby teeth early, if their jaw clicks, if you notice they are grinding their teeth when they are relaxing, or if you notice they are only breathing with their mouth. Your dentist will work with you to help eliminate your child’s harmful orthodontic habits.

Middle Stage: 6-12 years old

This age group has a profound impact in the adult years.This is the time when dentists can start to realign your child’s jaw, correct over-and-under bites, and can begin the process of braces or retainers to straighten teeth permanently. During the middle stage, he hard and soft tissues in the mouth are pliable and therefore much easier to start to make the permanent changes of moving teeth around.

Adolescent Stage: 13+ years old

The adolescent stage is the most common age group to begin the process of braces. Sometimes an alternate retainer must be worn for a certain length of time after braces are removed.  This ensures that the teeth do not move back to their original alignment. Regular check-ups and cleanings will also continue into adulthood.

The family of Blackburn Shoppes Dental Centre strongly believe in early orthodontic treatment to protect your children’s pearly whites from the very beginning. Give us a call today 613-834-5959 to book your child’s first early orthodontic appointment.

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