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How to Protect Your Teeth in The Winter

Spring might be around the corner, but when the snow’s blowing, a storm’s brewing, and the temperature’s dropping, your teeth can feel it! That’s right, your smile is sensitive to swift temperature changes, just like you. 

This may be because your dentin is exposed. When the enamel wears down or your gums recede, and a layer of your tooth called dentin, is exposed. This layer is ultra sensitive to temperature changes.

You’re no stranger to Canadian winters, but that doesn’t mean your teeth don’t contract in response to extreme cold. When your pearly whites tense up, it can cause tiny cracks and trigger the same type of pain that you experience when biting into ice cream, crunching ice or drinking cold water.

What causes this?

If your teeth are already uber sensitive, these culprits could be the reason:

  • Sugary, acidic, or carbonated drinks
  • Brushing too often or too rigorously 
  • Teeth grinding
  • Whitening your teeth too often
  • Not flossing properly (or often enough)


How can I fix it?

Dealing with a sore smile is never fun, but there are loads of ways you can relieve the pain and prevent it from coming back.

Get soft

Brushing your teeth with softer bristles can make a huge difference! If your bristles are too rough, you risk exposing your dentin more quickly. Be sure to give your gums some love too! A few gentle strokes can reduce redness and inflammation. Be warned, however! The harder you brush teeth, the more likely you are to suffer from receding gum lines and worn down enamel.

Block those tubules

Using toothpaste that’s high in fluoride or made specifically for sensitive teeth can really help. Sensitive toothpastes get inside open dentin tubules to actively prevent painful stimuli from reaching your nerves. 

Layers, on layers, on layers

Bundling up might sound obvious, but wrapping a scarf around your neck and covering your face is a super simple way of prevent tooth aches.

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