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“Have you been flossing regularly?”

A question you’re guaranteed to be asked by your dentist, but how honestly do you answer this? Toothbrushes clean the tops and outer surfaces of gums and teeth but it cannot reach the tight places in between which can eventually lead to serious oral and general health issues down the line.

“What about mouthwash?” While antimicrobial mouthwash kills plaque forming bacteria, it cannot get rid of tartar build up and food particles lodged in the tight spaces of teeth and gums.

“Why don’t I see or feel anything different when I don’t floss?” 

It is very easy to miss early signs of gum infection. Skipping a few days of flossing may seems like not a big deal, so why do your gums bleed? In fact, healthy gums are not supposed to bleed! If infected and/or diseased gums are left untreated, restoring teeth back to health is an unlikely outcome, and tooth loss is a possibility. That is why we recommend regular checkups and consistent tooth care at home!

Proper Flossing Technique

Pull out about 18 inches of floss, wrapping the ends around your fingertips for better control. Gently slide the floss between your teeth, being careful not to jam it into your sensitive gums. Curve the floss around each tooth and rub it up and down to scrape away plaque. Avoid sawing motions with the floss — that can hurt your gums. When you’re done, throw away the used floss. It can fray during use and collect bacteria. Rinse with mouthwash and brush your teeth.

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