(613) 834-5959        info@ottawafamilydentist.com


In October 2007, Dr. Chantal Plant and two of her team members, Stephanie and Yazmin, joined the Remote Area Medical Volunteer (RAMV) group on a great adventure to Bolivia, South America.

In September 2011, Dr Plant joined her classmate and colleague, Dr. Cathy Deschenes, on her second mission with RAMV (Remote Area Medical Volunteers). This time around, the team of 11 volunteers travelled to Northern Kenya, near the Masai Mara reserve to provide medical, dental and eye care to three Masai villages.

Poverty, starvation and a very challenging natural environment are the obstacles faced daily in this area, particularly by the young. Yet the team saw more smiles and heard more laughter than they have ever heard in their lives. Once again, they were without running water, proper lighting and their improvised “operatories” were set up inside schools, Churches or community centres. Using lots of flashlights and strong muscles, they pulled many wisdom teeth as well as infected, decayed teeth for a total of 228 extractions in 6 days!

Discovering the culture, and making lifelong friendships with the translators, made for another memorable volunteer adventure.

Visit Dr. Chantal Plant in Bolivia

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Covid Protocols

  • Closed treatment rooms
  • Medical grade Hepa Filters in each room
  • Enhanced PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
  • Social Distancing / Virtual Waiting Room
  • Health Canada Medical Questionnaire Screening