(613) 834-5959        info@ottawafamilydentist.com

Why is it that children tend to be more prone to cavities than adults? Recent studies have shown that the amount of cavities found in children has been rising drastically, and it’s become a growing concern for parents. There are many factors that can contribute to accumulation of cavities and tooth decay, besides the obvious lack of brushing & flossing, such as genetics, bacteria, illness and diet. To help prevent decay in your children’s teeth, work towards following these steps:

Healthy Diet: One of the number one reasons for tooth decay is from sugary food intake. While a treat here and there is harmless, it also comes down to the way a child consumes sugar. For example, if a child eats a candy bar all at once, it is less harmful than eating piece by piece every hour. This will lengthen the time the sugar is on the teeth, similar to drinking sweet juices – as it fully submerges the teeth in sugary liquid for each sip.

Early Treatment: Caring for your children’s teeth should be started as soon as the first tooth breaks the gum line. Bringing your child to the dentist at an early age will allow for a professional cleaning with baby-safe varnish products. Bringing your young child to the dentist will also get them used to the experience, and promote a positive outlook on dental health!

Parent Teeth Care: Being in such close contact with your child, bacteria is bound to spread. If you have a history of dental issues, avoid saliva contact such as sharing utensils, toothbrushes and fingers in mouths. To be on the safe side, using an antibacterial mouthwash will keep your mouth cleaner to prevent bacteria transmissions.

Teaching and encouraging your child about the importance of dental health will not only push better habits, but will get them excited about going to the dentist! At Blackburn Shoppes Dental Centre we have the “No-Cavity” wall to get our young patients excited about their dental health! If a child is cavity-free during their check-up, their name goes on the wall and is entered into a draw for fun prizes! For any consultations and questions, contact Blackburn Shoppes Dental Centre.

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